by Linda Newell | Sep 17, 2020 | President Message, Scribbles Newsletter
In this issue: President Lisa McCully asks us to REFLECT, REIMAGINE, and REINVENT for the upcoming club year. Connie Mutunhu becomes the historic FIRST president of the new SI Africa Federation. Desert Coast Region holds its first ever electronic voting.
by Linda Newell | Nov 17, 2019 | Scribbles Newsletter
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Women for Water Partnership, 62nd Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Breakfast honors those making a positive impact in the fight against human trafficking. Click to read Scribbles November...
by Linda Newell | Jun 3, 2016 | Mini-Grant
Le’Andra Hamilton returned to college as an older student, after significant obstacles created a break in her journey to attain a higher education. Poor life decisions she made as a young college student resulted in her being sentenced to state prison at the age of...